January Rants

I am sitting here with my glass of Merlot in the CHEERS wineglass my son gave me for christmas. I can not believe that January is ending. Where did the time fly? For me this month has been busy filled with lots of Jacqueline things. I have finished two books of Poetry and I have the first one called “Lake Erie Calling” a book of seasonal nature poems, at my writing editor’s desk as we speak. I have a graphic artist from Calgary working on the book cover and I am excited as to what she comes up with. My second book which is called “Human Strong” is another poem book about becoming aware, awakened, aligned and actualized based on four truths. This book is also ready for publishing. Cheers I’ll drink to that!

This year I gave myself 37 books to read. I am at Goodreads if anyone wants to follow me. ( Jacqueline Denis) I have read 7 books so far this month. I know unbelievable! Cheers I’ll drink to that! It helped when I was sick for 2 weeks at the end of December, that gave me catch up time. At our book club this month we were challenged to read a book based on its cover. Thank you Tiffanie! because I just finished a book called “The Overstory” by Richard Powers. I saw this book at Chapters and loved the cover, it also helped that it won a Pulitzer Prize. If you love trees this is the book for you! I gave it a 5/5 As my book club girls will tell you I never do that, actually only once before.

Between writing and reading I met a new friend called Jennifer and had her over for coffee. Cheers! I’ll drink to that! I believe it is important to keep our hearts open for new people in our lives. I personally like to have friends, they nourish and complete me! I know so corny but that’s me.

In February (21,22,23,) I have planned to attend an Edgar Cacey Spiritual Retreat in Niagara Falls Ontario, Canada. I ‘m looking forward to that.

Lastly, Tomorrow I am heading up north to Sault St. Marie to look at a few homes and go winter hiking! We love the Canadian North and we plan to buy a home up there soon. The forests call me, the evergreens beg me and sasquatch needs a hug! I’ll drink to that!

We have been teetering on the edge of change for years now and we feel called, so you know what they say ” change is good donkey”! Hey is anyone joining me here!


Wholeness Tribe!

Published by

Jake the poet

I am that I am, a way shower, a light, leader of many who follow, a poet and a person who just cares about the plight of humanity.

One thought on “January Rants”

  1. Man, I have missed so much going on in your life recently! Sounds like 2020 is your year! Enjoy the adventures ahead!


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